
To use CachePath in a project:

from cachepath import CachePath, Path

Changing Storage Location

import cachepath
cachepath.location = './cache'  # Once, anywhere. Default is tempfile.gettempdir()

# The order that you import / assign to .location doesn't matter yet
from cachepath import CachePath, Path

Indepth Example

Lets hack together a cache for a website scraper. This could be useful if you were working on your parsing logic or want the files used in the process to to be available on disk for later debugging instead of just staying in memory until a crash.

If this seems like a lot, try reading Getting Started first.

from cachepath import CachePath, Path
from itertools import takewhile

def get_scraped_ebay_stats(user, product_id):
    # '/tmp/ebay/user/product_id.html'
    return dumb_parser(CachePath('ebay', user, product_id, suffix='html'))

def clear_cache(user=None, product_id=None):
    args = takewhile(lambda x: x != None, ('ebay', user, product_id))
    return CachePath(*args).clear()

def get_tempfile():
    return CachePath()

# Without cachepath
   from pathlib import Path
except:  # py2
   from pathlib2 import Path

# If we don't put everything under a folder, we'll try to rm -rf /tmp/ later..
import tempfile
ebay = Path(tempfile.gettempdir())/'ebay'

import shutil  # Needed to remove a folder recursively

def get_scraped_ebay_stats(user, product_id):
    p = Path(ebay, user, product_id).with_suffix('html')
    p.parent.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) # Does this update timestamp
    # and thus break Make-like tools? Turns out no (on Linux at least),
    # but who would have known?

def clear_cache(user=None, product_id=None):
    if product_id:
        # if product_id ever starts pointing to a folder, this will break
        return (ebay/user/product_id).unlink()
    p = ebay/user if user else ebay
    # Not exactly equivalent: cachepath.clear() just removes the contents of
    # a folder, it doesn't remove and recreate. Helpful to avoid messing up
    # permissions or requiring a personal folder to place things.
    shutil.rmtree(p)  # No rm  -rf for folder paths in pathlib

def get_tempfile():
    return tempfile.mkstemp()

def dumb_parser(html_path):
    if not p.exists():
        sh('wget {}'.format(p))
    return myprocess(p.read_text())